Monday, September 21, 2009

13 Weeks and Counting......

Oh, the joys of being prego! Let me start out by saying that most people have the worst "morning sickness", myself on the other hand does not get morning sickness. I have felt pretty good for the most part. I only have a couple complaints about being pregnant.

First, I hate that I'm always and I mean always tired. No matter what time of the day it is I find myself nodding off. This part of being pregnant is probably the hardest, well as of now. The reason why this is so hard for me is because I love to work and push myself as far as I can. I like working all day at Cyprus CU and I Love doing hair at night. My crazy schedule has unfortunately cause a lot of problems with this pregnancy. Most of the time when I finally do get home at night I get in the bath and then get into bed and this is where the problems start I usually fall right asleep and almost every time I can't even remember getting into bed. I know, my doctor already told me, I need to change my crazy life schedule and I will but its hard when you love what you do so much!

My second complaint about being knocked up is the gosh dang heart burn. I have always heard my Dad and Ster talk about what awful heart burn they have but I have not experience it myself. For those of you out there that have never had heart burn before you are such lucky people and have probably never been pregnant. I find myself everyday making sure that before I eat anything I take a heart burn pill. I guess I shouldn't really be complaining because compared to most pregnant women I think I have it pretty easy.

My third and last complaint for the day about being "With Child", can I just say first that blogging right now is totally helping me feel about better, is feeling blotted 100% of the time. It seriously doesn't matter what I eat and even if I do or don't over eat. After every meal I feel like my stomach is going to bust open and my pants are going to split down the middle. I'm currently 13 weeks along and I'm at that stage where unless I'm wearing a really tight shirt (which at this point you will not catch me dead in) you can't tell I'm pregnant I just look and for sure feel FAT!!!! This far into my pregnancy I haven't craved anything. I did at first want cheese burgers but that's pretty normal for me. Food still sounds fabulous to me but it for sure doesn't taste the same. For example my most favorite place is the Oyster bar. Well the food doesn't taste like I remember and I can't finish a whole meal anymore, probably good for my weight gain that I don't finish meals.

This past week Ster and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. To kick off this wonderful day we both took that day of work and went to JoAnn's Kitchen for breakfast and it was fabulous! After breakfast we went out to an early movie and then to finish the night dinner at the Oyster bar. I'm so lucky to have met Ster. Two years has gone by so fast and I'm so happy in our marriage. Ster is the funniest guy ever. He makes me laugh even when I'm really upset. He works so hard at his job, most days I wonder how the heck he goes all day working outside in the heat and then in the cold. I'm so excited to see what a wonderful Dad he is going to be for our baby. I just keep picturing how he is going to be so cute with our child. I'm one lucky girl and Mom to be!


The Baldwin's said...

congratulations you two! that is so exciting jess! I know it's kinda crummy being pregnant, but hopefully you won't be so tired from here on out, and you'll start to feel more pregnant, not just bloated :) I'm excited to see what you two are having, keep posting and post pics of your belly too! glad all is well and great with the headricks!!

Grant and Julie Sackett said...

I can't even wait for baby Headrick... or should i say BABY BOY HEADRICK! (ster don't kill me) You will be such a good mommy and daddy! I can't wait for them to be BF's just like we are!

Brian and Tonya said...

I can't wait to see that cute baby. All the misery now will be worth it when it comes :)